Mkaaay.. So, I'm the Twilighter you'll see up at 3 AM looking up any Twilight news I can find. So I end up finding freaking awesome pictures and videos. But, no vids up in hurrr. Only pictures. If you find any, please feel free to send them to Melissa at (:

So, Alice is back. And this is where the tears come back.. Anyway. The dude behind the couch looks a lotttt like the lead singer in Rascal Flatts. Funny seeing him there.. And why is Kristen the one looking all happy-go-lucky and everyone else looks all depressed? Isn't it the other way around? Just sayin'.
2. Bella & Jake

Yeahhh.. me and Jakey are tiiight. We go by nicknamies. (: So, pretty sure this is when Bella and Jacob are sitting in her truck and she's thinking about turning her head and Edward's all "Be happy" and I get all mad at him and then Jake smells a vamp and Bella sees Carlisle's car and wants to go back but Jake can't do that cause of the stupid treaty so Bella goes back by herself only to find Alice after thinking it was Victoria and I start crying and yeah.. Love ittt (:
3. Rob..

That's just the hottest thing I've ever seen. <33
4. No explanation needed.

Except forrrr...
Oh, how I love it when they reunite..
(Is that a butt crack I see on Robert?)
There was a problem.. Edward's not supposed to fall back..
5. So this happened.

6. Look familiar?

I think Bella and Jacob are closer than we thought.. They're exactly alike!
At least Kristen was doing it for a scene, not just to show off how awesome she is at jumping.. Show-off.
7. Ohh, Rob.

Edward really was depressed. But only because he was wishin' I was the one who was about to smack into him and almost get us killed again. Whatevs.
8. A happier time..
I decided to end on a loving, happy note.

I can't wait.. <3
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