Okay, guys soo.. What do you think of this:

..like it? ..hate it?
Personally, I love it. But that's just me. I love Taylor's (Jacob) strong facial expression, like he's saying "You touch her, you die" hahah. And Rob (Edward) is lookin' so jellin'. So adorable. (: And Kristen's (Bella) so helpless. Like the first poster.
I cannot wait for the movie. I'm mad that Dakota Fanning is Jane though. I don't really get alonga with Dakota. She's not very.. Jane-ish. I always pictured Jane with dark hair.. not blonde. But anywho.. I can't really picture the rest of the Volturi cast being.. the Volturi? I don't know.. it hasn't really sunk into my head yet. I'm still waiting for a movie clip or a picture of the Volturi or something.
The trailer.. (:
At abouuut.. 1:26 there is confusion.
Bella doesn't see Jacob turn into a wolf until later on. She doesn't even know he is a wolf. But yet, she sees him phase in this clip. My prediction is that they took the nightmare from Twilight, how Jake turns into a wolf and Edward's all like "hissss" and stuff, since she has the nightmare again in New Moon and put it into the clip. Because Jacob is in his wolf form in her nightmare, or like they do in movie trailers, the move the clips around. Soo.. I guess we will have to find out on November 20th, eh?
Tell me what you think!
Maddie Pattinson (:
Maddie Pattinson (: